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Are you interested in applying?

The scholarship committee is looking for applicants who are motivated to further their education, train for a job field, and grow in service to their community. Because we know — from our own experience — that success can be achieved through many different educational routes, we are awarding equal scholarships to college-bound students and to students pursuing an alternative higher education.

College-Track Scholarship from the Spirit of ’72 Fund

Eligibility Requirements

In keeping with the spirit of community that epitomizes the Class of ’72, applicants for this scholarship must provide a 300- to 600-word statement describing how they have participated in their community and how that experience has enriched their life and influenced their ambitions. The definition of “community” is up to the applicant. For example, it could be participating in a school, civic, or religious organization; volunteering to help individuals or groups; undertaking a project that is useful to others; or simply lending a hand to help someone in need.

Additionally, applicants need to submit a letter of recommendation from an adult in an oversight role (coach, teacher, employer, pastor, etc.), indicating character, work ethic, and expectation for success.

Non-College-Track Scholarship from the Spirit of ’72 Fund

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must include a one-page statement expressing why their ambitions and experiences have led them to pursue this choice of study.

Additionally, applicants also need to submit a letter of recommendation from an adult in an oversight role (coach, teacher, employer, pastor, etc.), indicating character, work ethic, and expectation for success.

Application Form

Deadline for applications is March 20 before the end of the current school year.

Part 1 - Applicant Information

* Required Field

College Track
Non-College Track
Application Form
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